The Presidium of the SCS RAS

The Presidium of the South Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences brings to its meetings the most topical issues of scientific, scientific-organisational and financial-economic activities of the Centre.

   One of the main issues of several current meetings was the creation of institutes in the structure of the South Scientific Centre on the basis of existing departments of the scientific part of the Presidium, the names, main directions and organizing directors of the Institute of Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Research of the Southern Scientific Centre of RAS, the Institute of Arid Zones of the Southern Scientific Centre of RAS and the Integrated Institute of Mechanics, Chemistry, Physics and Nanotechnologies were approved. 

      The Presidium pays special attention to the nomination of candidates from the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences for election to full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 

In the joint meetings of the Presidium and the field enhanced Bureau of the Council for Coordination of Regional Scientific Departments and Regional Scientific Centres of RAS took part the Chairman of the Council Vice-President of RAS, ac. G.A. Mesyats, Vice Chairman of the Council ac. N.L. Dobretsov, Chairman of the KNTs RAS ac V.T. Kalinnikov, Vice-President of the RAS ac. S.M. Aldoshin, Deputy Head of MTU Rosimushchestvo for RAS F.P. Kononkov, Head of Accounting and Reporting Department of RAS, Chief Accountant of RAS V.O. Ivanova, Scientific Secretary of the Council E.V. Babak, Chairmen of scientific centres of the RAS in the Southern Federal District. The issues of basic property relations in the RAS institutions, on the organisation of the Nizhny Novgorod Scientific Centre of the RAS, on the experience of work of the Southern, Kabardino-Balkarian, Vladikavkaz and Dagestan Scientific Centres of the RAS were considered.