Department of Humanities

- Laboratory of Philology

- Laboratory of Archaeology

- Laboratory of Cossack studies

- Laboratory of History and Ethnography

E.F. Krinko 
Dr (History) 
Head of Department


✓     Ancient cultures and intercultural relations of the population of the southern regions;
✓     Interrelationship between the authorities and the society in the historical dynamics;
✓     The Cossacks in the history of the South of Russia and the current social-political processes;
✓     Historical-cultural heritage of the peoples of the southern regions;
✓     Wars and armed conflicts in the South of Russia and their reflection in the culture of memory.


■     Archaeological, ethno-linguistic, folklore-historical, and historical-memorial studies (including field studies), collection of field materials on the ancient and old cultures, traditional culture of the Don Cossacks, participation of population of the southern regions in the wars and armed conflicts;
■     Vectors and forms of intercultural relationship of peoples inhabiting neighbouring territories;
■     Specific features of formation and development of social-cultural institutions in the South of Russia in different historical periods;
■     Process of formation of the Cossack community in the Don Region and its subsequent development;
■     Inter-disciplinary analysis of local variants of traditional culture and literature in the South of Russia, methodology of analysis of interactions between oral and written traditions;
■     Integrated studies of wars of the 18th – 20th centuries as social phenomena and their impacts on demographic and ethno-social structure and composition of population in the southern regions, transformation of everyday life, consciousness, and culture.