Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science ‘Federal Research Centre Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ (SSC RAS) 

- leading scientific organisation of the 1st category in the profile ‘Knowledge Generation’ (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1423 of 26.12.2019), subordinate to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, a multidisciplinary scientific centre in the South of Russia, performing fundamental and applied research aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge in natural, technical, social and human sciences in the interests of sustainable development of the southern regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the implementation of research results in the creation of breakthrough technologies aimed at solving the problems of the global economy.


Director of the Southern Scientific Centre of RAS - Sergey Berdnikov 

Academician Matishov Gennady Grigorievich Matishov is the Scientific Director of the SSC RAS.


The Centre was established in 2002 on the initiative of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District by the decisions of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Resolution No. 367 of 10.12.2002) and the General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Resolution No. 32 of 19.12.2002) to organise and conduct fundamental scientific research and applied work of importance for the economic and cultural development of Southern Russia.

The initiator of the establishment, organising chairman and chairman of the Presidium - a well-known Russian scientist-oceanologist, Director of the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Gennady Grigorievich Matishov - headed the Centre since 2002, and since 2018 became its scientific director.

From 2008 to 2017, the SSC RAS united five research institutes: the Kalmyk Institute of Humanities Research (KIHR RAS, Elista), the Integrated Research Institute (IRI RAS, Grozny), the Sochi Research Centre (SNIC RAS), the Institute of Arid Zones (IAZ SSC RAS, Rostov-on-Don), the Institute of Socio-Economic and Humanities Research (ISEGI SSC RAS, Rostov-on-Don) and the units of the scientific part of the Presidium. On 27 December 2017, as a result of reorganisation, the Institute of Arid Zones of SSC RAS and the Institute of Socio-Economic and Humanities Research of SSC RAS, which had a common history with SSC RAS, long-standing close scientific ties and joint research and development, joined SSC RAS. 


From 2018 to the present day SSC RAS is headed by Doctor of Geography Sergey Vladimirovich Berdnikov, a specialist in the field of mathematical modelling of spatial and temporal variability of seas and their catchment areas using modern information and satellite technologies. 


Download booklet ‘15 Years of SSC RAS’ (~ 42 Mb)

Download booklet ‘20 Years of SSC RAS’ (~ 24 Mb)


The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science ‘Federal Research Centre Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ unites researchers from different cities of the Southern Federal District to jointly solve fundamental problems that are of priority for the world community and the development of the Russian state - its defence capability, political stability, social and economic progress.


Nowadays the Centre maintains its position as a leading scientific organisation of the 1st category, fulfills the indicators of the State Assignment; annually organises more than 20 marine and land expeditions in the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas and the Don River basin, carries out complex solution of the set scientific tasks, supports promising interdisciplinary research with the involvement of young scientists; publishes monographs and works of scientists.


Scientific and methodological leadership of the subdivisions is carried out by academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences: ac. V.A. Babeshko, ac. Yu. V.I. Minkin, ac. I.A. Kalyaev, ac. V.I. Kolesnikov, ac. G.G. Matishov, ac. I.A. Novakov, ac. V.I. Lysak, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Kalinchuk. Kalinchuk.


Active interaction with the Presidium and branches of the Russian Academy of Sciences, federal and local legislative and executive authorities, ministries and departments, universities and scientific organisations is carried out. 


Scientists of SSC RAS take an active part in competitions of leading Russian scientific foundations; to ensure the exchange of research results the Centre annually holds a number of conferences, weekly seminars devoted to the most topical problems of science development with participation of specialists from various scientific institutions and organisations of the Russian Federation and friendly countries.


The Centre is successfully developing a network of scientific expedition bases, stations and hydro-meteoposts aimed at long-term monitoring and resource studies of the region's ecosystems. Two unique research stations have been established and are successfully operating: ‘Kagalnik’ (Kagalnik village, Azov district, Rostov region) and ‘Manych’ (Manych village, Orlovsky district, Rostov region), whose tasks include integrated monitoring of the Don Delta and Taganrog Bay and study of the biodiversity of the steppe ecosystem of the Kumo-Manych depression. An aquarium complex was set up at the Kagalnik research and expedition base to develop technologies for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered fish species of the Azov-Black Sea and Caspian basins.

Two research vessels ‘Deneb’ and ‘Professor Panov’ were purchased and equipped, which annually carry out marine research in the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas, in the Don and Volga rivers and in the Tsimlyanskoye Reservoir. 


In 2021 SSC RAS became a part of the structure of the Interregional Scientific and Educational Centre of the South of Russia of the Volgograd region, Krasnodar Krai and Rostov region.

SSC RAS carries out scientific interaction with leading universities of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts (SFEDU, DSTU, NPI, RSUE, RSTU, ASTU, NSFU, VSTU, VSU, KSU); concludes cooperation agreements with a number of educational and scientific organisations; maintains close ties with the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Abkhazia.

The Centre is actively engaged in publishing activities in order to highlight the results of research of its staff. The publishing house of SSC RAS annually publishes books, conference proceedings, monographs and collections of scientific papers.  Since 2004, the Academic Publishing Centre ‘Nauka’ has been publishing the journal ‘Bulletin of the Southern Scientific Centre of RAS’ with 4 issues published annually.  The journal ‘Caucasian Entomological Bulletin’, included since 2010 in the list of leading periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, the journal ‘Ecology. Economics. Informatics".


The main aims of the SSC RAS activity: 

✓ Organisation, coordination and implementation of fundamental, prospecting and applied scientific research, experimental and design work aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the laws of development of nature, society and man, as well as the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices.

✓ Obtaining and application of new knowledge in natural, technical, social and human sciences in the interests of sustainable social, economic and cultural development of the southern regions of the Russian Federation.



✓ Interaction with organisations subordinated to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and other scientific organisations of the Russian Federation to carry out scientific research (including under federal target, interregional, regional programmes and scientific projects, grants), as well as conducting joint scientific events and promoting practical implementation of the results of scientific research.

✓ Strengthening scientific ties with educational organisations of higher education of the Russian Federation in priority areas of science and technology development.

✓ Promotion of international scientific and technical co-operation, including with the countries of Transcaucasia, the Azov-Black Sea and Caspian basins.

✓ Strengthening the material and technical base of science, production and social infrastructure of the Centre.


Today SSC RAS is a leading academic institution in the South of Russia. The staff of SSC RAS successfully work to jointly solve fundamental problems of priority for the world community and the development of the Russian state - its defence capability, political stability, socio-economic progress.