"The Peoples of the Caucasus in the XVIII–XXI centuries: history, politics, culture"

XI International Forum of Caucasian Historians, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the first Union Constitution and the formation of the North Caucasus Region.

October 17-18, 2024

Общественные и гуманитарные науки


 The Federal Research Center Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Southern Federal University, North Caucasus Federal University with the support of the Russian Historical Society, the Humanitarian Foundation «Caucasus – New Horizons», the Regional Research Foundation « Strana», the historical multimedia park «Russia – My History» and the ANO Center «For Media Strategies» are held from 17 to October 18, 2024 in Rostov-on-Don, the XI International Forum of Caucasian Historians "The Peoples of the Caucasus in the XVIII–XXI centuries: history, politics, culture" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the first Union Constitution and the formation of the North Caucasus Region.

The event is held with the financial support of the Foundation «History of the Fatherland».

The objectives of the forum are to discuss topical issues of history, politics and culture in the Caucasus during the Imperial, Soviet and Post-Soviet periods, a constructive dialogue between representatives of social and humanitarian sciences aimed at overcoming the politicization of historical science, the development of research concepts that contribute to the preservation of peace and ethnopolitical stability in the Caucasus.

The main directions of the forum's work: 

• problems of modern Caucasian studies: new approaches, assessments and sources; 

• Political and socio-economic development of the Caucasus in the XVIII–XXI centuries; 

• The modern Caucasus between traditions and modernization; 

• Regional security issues and armed conflicts in the Caucasus; 

• The Caucasus as a space of cultural dialogue. 

Round tables are planned to be held:

• national-state transformations and problems of integration of the peoples of the Caucasus; 

• Modernization processes in the Caucasus and other regions of the USSR through the prism of neo-Colonialist historiographical practices;

• The Caucasus in the system of geopolitical interests of world and regional powers;

• Ethnopolitical conflicts and the politics of memory in the Caucasus.

A collection of scientific articles is planned to be published by the time of the forum. 

For information by e-mail: caucasology.rnd@gmail.com or by phone +7-961-289-32-31 (Doctor of Historical Sciences Averyanov Anton Viktorovich); +7-863-250-98-33 (Doctor of Historical Sciences Krinko Evgeny Fedorovich).

The forum involves face-to-face, correspondence and online participation. Travel expenses are paid at the expense of the sending party. 

The working language of the conference is Russian. Time limits for speeches: at the plenary session – up to 15 minutes; at breakout sessions – up to 10 minutes.