"Armenians of the South of Russia: history, culture, common future"

V International Scientific Conference

November 12-13, 2024

Исследования диаспор

"Armenians of the South of Russia: history, culture, common future"
V International Scientific Conference

Date: November 12-13, 2024
Category: Diaspora studies

The Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, together with the Southern Federal University, the Rostov regional public organization "Nakhichevan-on-Don Armenian Community" 
and the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia 
are planning to hold the 

V International Scientific Conference "Armenians of Southern Russia: History, Culture, common Future" 

in Rostov-on-Don on November 12-13, 2024. 

We invite everyone who is engaged in the study of the relevant topic to take part in its work. 

Information letter, download *.docx

The main directions of the conference:

  • Armenian Studies in Russia – successes, problems, prospects;
  • Russian-Armenian Relations and the Formation of Armenian Communities in Russia: history, geography and demographic dynamics;
  • Armenians of Russia and the development of relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation; 
  • The Armenian Apostolic Church and its role in the life of the Armenian community; 
    The Genocide of 1915 and the Armenian Diaspora in Southern Russia;
  • Ethnocultural groups of Armenians of the South of Russia, their history and culture, issues of preservation of the Armenian language (dialect) and national culture; 
  • The historical experience of the management of Armenian immigrants in the South of Russia; 
  • The contribution of the Armenian population to the culture, science and education of the South of Russia;
  • Armenians in the service of Russia; 
  • The status of the Armenian population in the Imperial period of Russian history;
  • The Soviet experience of solving the national question;
  • The activities of Armenian national cultural organizations in Russia and abroad - experience, tasks, prospects for development and interaction.

The venue of the conference is Rostov–on-Don, Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Southern Federal University, Nakhichevan-on-Don Armenian Community

Program Committee 

  • Gennady Grigoryevich Matishov is an academician, scientific director of the SSC RAS, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 
  • Inna Konstantinovna Shevchenko – Doctor of Economics, Rector of the Southern Federal University.
  • Berdnikov S.V. – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Director of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Surmalyan Harutyun Armenakovich – Candidate of Economics, Chairman of the Board of the NGO "Nakhichevan-on-Don Armenian Community".

  • The Organizing Committee 
  • Levon Vladimirovich Batiev – Candidate of Law, Head of the laboratory of the SSC RAS.
  • Bedrick Andrey Vladimirovich – PhD, Director of the Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies of the Southern Federal University.
  • Kazarov Sarkis Surenovich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Southern Federal University.
  • Sayadov Sergey Mikhailovich – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Rostov regional public organization "Nakhichevan-on-Don Armenian Community".
  • Ilona Nikitichna Nazaryan is a research engineer at the SSC RAS.
  • Choriyan Stepan Kevorkovich is a research engineer at the SSC RAS.


Participant of the V International Scientific conference "Armenians of the South of Russia: history, culture, common future" (November 12-13, 2024)
Surname: __________________________________________________________
First name, patronymic: ____________________________________________
Academic degree, title: _____________________________________________
Organization: ______________________________________________________ 
Post ________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________
Form of participation:

  • Oral report
  • Poster presentation
  • Correspondence participation

Title of the report: __________________________________________________

The registration card is accepted by the Organizing Committee until October 1, 2024, the materials for the collection – until October 20, 2024. The collection of materials will be printed by the beginning of the conference, therefore, we ask the authors not to delay sending the texts.

Please send all materials by e-mail:
To Kazarov Sarkis Surenovich e-mail: ser-kazarov@yandex.ru Phone: +7-938-147-13-03
To Levon Vladimirovich Batiyev by e-mail: lbatiev@ya.ru Phone: +7-961-318-15-26; +7-928-226-84-71

You can also contact them for all organizational and substantive issues.
The deadline for submission of materials is October 20, 2024.