"Strategic Problems, Threats, and Risks of the Sea of Azov Basin and the Sea of Azov Region"

International scientific conference Dangerous phenomena - V

July 10–14, 2024


"Strategic problems, threats and risks of the Azov basin and Azov region" (" Dangerous phenomena - V ")

We welcome you to participate in the conference organised by the SSC RAS and the Russian Centre for Scientific Information ("RSCI").


Specialists interested in fundamental research, innovative technologies and advanced developments in the field of oceanology, hydrometeorology, environmental protection, nature management, economics, sociology, political science, history and other related areas are invited to participate in the conference to exchange experiences and collaboratively solve existing problems in the study of the Azov Basin and Azov Sea.


In order to popularise scientific research and attract young people to science, the conference will include lectures by leading scientists at plenary and sectional sessions, as well as training master classes at the Coastal Research and Expedition Base "Kagalnik" of the SSC RAS.   

 Meetings with members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and scientific community of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts are also planned.


Conference aims

Discussion of the results of fundamental and applied work related to the study of problems, patterns and processes in the South of Russia in the context of new geopolitical realities and climatic transformations. Transfer of knowledge and exchange of technological solutions. Popularisation of science.   


Conference objectives

Creation of a multifunctional interactive platform for constructive dialogue between science, education, government and business in the interests of sustainable development of the Azov basin and Azov region; formation of scientific collaboration of educational and scientific organizations of the Southern macro-region; promotion of scientific and technological cooperation in the South of Russia.