History of Southern Scientific Centre


History of Southern Scientific Centre 

            In 2002 the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the initiative of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District and the Administration of the Rostov Region made a strategic decision to establish the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Resolution of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 367 of 10.12.2002 and the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 32 of 19.12.2002). This idea was realised, which was supported by many famous figures of science, education and culture not only in the region, but also in the country as a whole. 

Academician G.G. Matishov was entrusted with the creation of the Southern Scientific Centre of RAS. 



The total number of the Southern Scientific Centre of RAS, including the staff of institutes in the period 2015-2017. - More than 330 people, of which more than 200 are scientific workers, 43 doctors of sciences, 107 candidates of sciences. Almost 50% of the total number of scientific workers are young scientists, more than half of whom are candidates of science. The average age of the scientific staff is 44 years.


Scientific leadership of the departments is carried out by renowned scientists of the South of Russia: Academician V.A. Babeshko, Academician G.G. Matishov, Academician V.I. Minkin, Academician V.I. Kolesnikov, Academician I.A. Novakov, Academician I.A. Kalyaev, Academician Y.Y. Balega, Academician V.I. Lysak, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Nikanorov.


From 2008 to 2017, SSC RAS united five research institutes: Kalmyk Institute of Humanities Research (KIHR RAS, Elista), Complex Research Institute (CRI RAS, Grozny), Sochi Research Centre (SRC RAS), Institute of Arid Zones (IAZ SSC RAS, Rostov-on-Don), Institute of Socio-Economic and Humanities Research (ISEHR SSC RAS, Rostov-on-Don) and units of the scientific part of the Presidium. 

 Southern Scientific Centre of RAS in 2002.


Since 2016, the strategic development of the SSC RAS has been associated with the implementation of the integration project - reorganisation of federal state institutions subordinate to FANO of Russia. The following scientific organisations took part in the integration project: SSC RAS (base organisation); Institute of Arid Zones of UNC RAS (IAZ), Institute of Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Research of SSC RAS (ISEHR). The integration project is based on the joint decision of the Deputy Head of FANO of Russia A.M. Medvedev adopted on 5 September 2016 at the meeting of the Deputy Head of FANO of Russia, taking into account the position of the Presidium of the Southern Scientific Centre of the RAS (Resolution No. 3 of the meeting of the Presidium of the SSC RAS dated 25.05.2016). 

The reorganisation, which began in June 2017, was completed in December 2017 with the formation of the Federal Research Centre (FRC) of the SSC RAS and accession to it of IAZ SSC RAS and ISEHR SSC RAS. 


The main purpose of the FRC creation: Organisation and carrying out of fundamental, search and applied scientific research, experimental and design work aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the laws of nature, society and human development; introduction of scientific achievements and best practices; obtaining and application of new knowledge in natural, technical, social and human sciences in the interests of sustainable socio-economic and cultural development of the southern regions of the Russian Federation.


According to the results of evaluation of scientific activity of SSC RAS for 2015-2017. UNC RAS is classified as Category 1 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1423 of 26.12.2019).